Sunday, 12 January 2025

January 13 to 17

Important Dates / Information:

~ Please return learning update (report card) envelopes. Thanks!


January 13 - High-risk form going home for Idlewild trips when we skate or go sledding for PE classes. No specific date yet, but these permission forms are mandatory. Please sign and return ASAP.  


~Student and parent learning survey link...



 ~ Thursday, January 16 and Monday, February 10 are our skiing / snowboarding days at Kimberley Alpine Resort.

~ Buses leave HES at 8:45ish and return to HES around 5pm. Please make arrangements to pick up your child.

**These 2 ski days are for HES students in grade 4, 5, and 6 only. Please do not bring other family members from other grades if you are planning on being a chaperone. Thanks for your respect on this matter.


~ January 24 - Non-instructional Friday = No school.



Learning opportunities this week...
Language Arts - We are reading from chapter 12 to  chapter ?? this week...

    Among The Impostors  by Margaret Peterson Haddix

For our novel, if any one would prefer to read the chapters themselves, rather than the audio-book version, click here... Among the Impostors!  Please do not read ahead!

 Among the Impostors — "Shadow Children" Series - Plugged In

We will work at making story connections, inferences, creating images, and listening for sensory imagery details. Also, we will have daily comprehension discussions and writing activities which follow each reading. 

Writing: Journal entries, as the character Luke, will also be part of this novel study.



We are learning about literary devices so that we can input these in our next story writing lessons... which starts soon. These include:

  • hyperbole
  • personification
  • alliteration.

 We are also working daily at proper letter formation, printing, and writing complete sentences. 


~Word Work - Unit 17 will be practiced this week. Complete all your work. 

                        - DUE DATES: hand-in your WW page on or before the last day of the week.

                      - list words will always be sent home on Mondays.
NEW in term two... Word Work will include a) editing practice / searching for errors,

b) multiple choice spelling page, and c) Boggle challenges and working with letter tiles to increase word generator skills and spelling skills. 
Math - ... linear measurement skills with practical uses - converting mm, cm, m, km. Then, we move to volume (V = l x w x h) and capacity using mL and L.

TRY this game... Metric Conversions


Practice multiplication facts by 7 this week. From 7 x 1 to 7 x 12.

You can PRACTICE YOUR BASIC FACTS: Web math minute

We all have access to MATHLETICS. Students will have a chance to work on the current math curricular areas in class and at home. 

***Usernames and passwords were sent home last term. ***


Career Education - in 2 weeks... studying a potential career after a personal interests survey - present your findings! 

Science - Grade 4 =
Matter has mass, takes up space, and can change phase


Socials - Learning about specific Canadian First Peoples (Sto:lo people) and connections to land, animals, oceans, and spirits, which continues to shape Canada’s identity. 

- PRO / CON debating and positive decision-making skills


Health Ed - "The Air We Breathe" a unit focused... personal choices and social and environmental factors influence our health and well-being. Includes learning about smoking, vaping, and developing positive decision-making skills.

PE - Basketball skills - ball control, passing, shooting, game strategies, and basketball centers.  

ART - Worm Tunnels ART!

Technology Skills - on laptops - typing skills and RESEARCHING SKILLS also as GENIUS HOUR WILL BEGIN IN FEBRUARY.

Dance mat typing!

- we also have access to Mathletics for at home practice!

House Teams - Wear your colour or HUSKIES GEAR on Fridays!

CONGRATS to JACKSON for earning WORKER OF THE WEEK last week and.... earning 10 house team points! Great efforts = great results!

Thursday, 9 January 2025

Click below...


The Student Learning Survey (SLS) is a yearly survey of students, parents, and staff in public schools in British Columbia: Who participates

  • Students in grades 4, 7, 10, and 12, along with their parents and school staff
  • What it covers
    The SLS provides feedback on a range of topics, including student wellness, learning environment, curriculum implementation, career preparation, and student engagement
  • How it's used
    Schools, districts, and other organizations use the survey data to inform planning, research, and advocacy. The survey also helps schools make decisions about long-term planning, goal-setting, and providing personalized support to students
  • How it's administered
    The SLS is an online survey that's usually available for about 30 minutes. All responses are anonymous and confidential.
  • When it's administered
    The SLS is administered annually, and was previously known as the Student Satisfaction Survey before 2016-17.
  • The SLS is developed with input from teachers, educational measurement experts, and partner groups. The survey questions are updated each year to align with the curriculum's core competencies and the British Columbia's Policy for Student Success. 

    Sunday, 5 January 2025

    January 6 to 10

    Welcome back to... 2025!

    Important Dates / Information:

    ~ Please return learning update (report card) envelopes. Thanks!


     ~ Thursday, January 16 and Monday, February 10 are our skiing / snowboarding days at Kimberley Alpine Resort.

    Skiing / Snowboarding payment $ is DUE on or before January 10th. 

    *Return payment to Mr. Bartraw at HES... Cash or cheque payable to Highlands Elementary School.


    1. If you are planning to chaperone as an adult skier or snowboarder, you will need a CRRP (Criminal Records Review Program / criminal record check). If you have had one done for sd5 in the last year, you will not need to redo it. However, you need proof of the CRRP - it may or may not be on file at sd5.

    Apply for CRRP HERE!  


    2. These 2 ski days are for HES students in grade 4, 5, and 6 only. Please do not bring other family members from other grades if you are planning on being a chaperone. Thanks for your respect on this matter.


    ~ January 24 - Non-instructional Friday = No school.


    January 31 - ADST DOWNHILL CHALLENGE 2024!

    Learning opportunities this week...
    Language Arts - two short stories and poems sharing them as choral reading.

     -  We are reading the next book in our series...

        Among The Impostors  by Margaret Peterson Haddix

    For our novel, if any one would prefer to read the chapters themselves, rather than the audio-book version, click here... Among the Impostors!  Please do not read ahead!

     Among the Impostors — "Shadow Children" Series - Plugged In

    We will work at making story connections, inferences, creating images, and listening for sensory imagery details. Also, we will have daily comprehension discussions and writing activities which follow each reading. 

    Writing: Journal entries, as the character Luke, will also be part of this novel study.



    We are learning about literary devices so that we can input these in our next story writing lessons... which starts soon. These include:

    • hyperbole
    • personification
    • alliteration.

     We are also working daily at proper letter formation, printing, and writing complete sentences. 


    ~Word Work - Unit 16 will be practiced this week. Complete all your work. 

                            - DUE DATES: hand-in your WW page on or before the last day of the week.

                          - list words will always be sent home on Mondays.
    NEW in term two... Word Work will include a) editing practice / searching for errors,

    b) multiple choice spelling page, and c) Boggle challenges and working with letter tiles to increase word generator skills and spelling skills. 
    Math - ... linear measurement skills with practical uses - converting mm, cm, m, km.

    TRY this game... Metric Conversions


    Practice multiplication facts by 6 this week. From 6 x 1 to 6 x 12.

    You can PRACTICE YOUR BASIC FACTS: Web math minute

    We all have access to MATHLETICS. Students will have a chance to work on the current math curricular areas in class and at home. 

    ***Usernames and passwords were sent home last term. ***


    Career Education - in 3 weeks... studying a potential career after a personal interests survey - present your findings! 

    Science - Grade 4 =
    Matter has mass, takes up space, and can change phase


    Socials - Learning about specific Canadian First Peoples (Sto:lo people) and connections to land, animals, oceans, and spirits, which continues to shape Canada’s identity. 

    - PRO / CON debating and positive decision-making skills


    Health Ed - "The Air We Breathe" a unit focused... personal choices and social and environmental factors influence our health and well-being. Includes learning about smoking, vaping, and developing positive decision-making skills.

    PE - Basketball skills - ball control, passing, shooting, game strategies, and basketball centers.  

    ART -  Hyperbole ART

    Technology Skills - on laptops - typing skills and RESEARCHING SKILLS also as GENIUS HOUR WILL BEGIN IN FEBRUARY.

    Dance mat typing!

    - we also have access to Mathletics for at home practice!

    House Teams - Wear your colour or HUSKIES GEAR on Fridays!

    CONGRATS to ???? for earning WORKER OF THE WEEK this week and.... earning 10 house team points! Great efforts = great results!

    Sunday, 15 December 2024

    December 16 to 20

    Important Dates/Information:


    ~ Thursday, January 16 and Monday, February 10 are our skiing / snowboarding days at Kimberley Alpine Resort.

    Dec 16 - Skiing / Snowboarding information FORMS ARE DUE Monday, Dec 16.


    Please read the forms carefully and return them ASAP!


    1. If you are planning to chaperone as an adult skier or snowboarder, you will need a CRRP (Criminal Records Review Program / criminal record check). If you have had one done for sd5 in the last year (to be confirmed tomorrow by Mr. Holt) you will not need to redo it. However, you need proof of the CRRP - it may or may not be on file at sd5.

    Apply for CRRP HERE!  


    2. These 2 ski days are for HES students in grade 4, 5, and 6 only. Please do not bring other family members from other grades if you are planning on being a chaperone. Thanks for your respect on this matter.


    December 18 - bring in your 8-pack of juice boxes for the Dec 20 HES turkey luncheon.


     December 18 - Concert rehearsal in the afternoon at Key City Theater; PERFORMANCE AT 6:30pm.

    Our class is asked to wear snow pants and jackets, skiing helmets or snowboarding boots + helmets + goggles. Those who do not have a helmet can wear a Santa hat if they have one. No mitts or gloves. Wear light clothing underneath as it gets hot on stage with all the gear!  


    December 19 = Learning Updates (Report Cards - term one) sent home.


    December 20 - HES holiday luncheon... our class is asked to bring juice boxes. A note was sent home last week.


    December 20 - last day of school before 2 week break.


    January 6, 2025 = first day of school in the new year!


    Thursday, January 16 and Monday, February 10 are our skiing / snowboarding days at Kimberley Alpine Resort.

    Learning opportunities this week...


    Language Arts - Reading - novel study continues!

    Among the Hidden (Volume 1): Haddix ...

     Luke Garner, a 12-year-old boy, lives on a farm with his mother, father, and two brothers. As a third child, Luke and his parents are in violation of a population law. Luke, like all third children, must spend his days hidden or away from public view, or else he will be taken away or imprisoned, as well as his family.

    IF YOU ARE ABSENT this week on any day, PLEASE LISTEN TO THE AUDIO VERSION HERE ON YOUTUBE and get caught up. We will finish reading on Tuesday and then move into a "surprise activity!"

    ATH Chapter 27


    Writing focus:  to improve our sentences. When we read a chapter of our novel, we write a summary. We are working at increasing our sentence structure usage and spelling accuracy when we communicate in writing.         

    Reading will also be focused on non-fiction sources online for our HEALTH and SCIENCE biomes projects.


    ~Word Work - Unit 15 - students are working from different levels of spelling. There are different groups, according to where they are at, as observed in class. Students may increase or decrease in levels, depending on their written outputs. 

    - All units are handed out on Mondays and then the rest needs to be worked on at home.

     *Students are responsible for bringing home their list words at the beginning of each week. There are activities on the pages; practicing word patterns, meanings of words, etc,.. Students must return the page for grading on, or before, the last day of the week.

                          - work at the word and letter patterns, connect the sounds letters make,...

                          - HAND IN FINISHED 'WORD WORK' PAPER ON or before FRIDAY.
                          - Unit #15 study all list words; TEST included in homework.


    Math - Multiplication begins as a 'warm-up' everyday for the next two months (15 min/day). 

    Multiply by 4 this week. Plus review of x 2, 3, 5.

    Deep Dive Multiplication FACT Families 

    Try some games to practice your skills!



     - Mathletics QR codes went home and students are encouraged to work at the math skills we are practicing in class... at home! 


    Career Education - goal setting and how to achieve a short-term and a long term goal 

    Science -  Outstanding dioramas were created! Great work everyone!


    Socials - Mapping unit - 

    - Cool country report!

    PE - sledding, skating, floor hockey, and ringette for the next 2 weeks.


    Health - "Health Matters" research + partner posters.

    - details in class. 


    Art - "Eye-dea" ART surrealism.

    "Eye-dea" ART samples 


    Drama = various activities integrated where possible
    Technology Skills - learning how to use MS WORD and Power-point effectively
                                  - on laptops

    Dance mat typing!

    - we also have access to Mathletics for at home practice!

    House Teams - Wear your colour or HUSKIES GEAR on Fridays!

    CONGRATS to CHLOE for earning WORKER OF THE WEEK last week and.... earning 10 house team points! Great efforts = great results!