Sunday, 15 September 2019

September 16 - 19

Important Dates:

September 16 - PAC Meeting @ 7:15

 September 18 - Picture Day

September 19  - PAC BBQ (5:30 - 6:15)
                          and Highlands open house (6:15 to 7)
                        - All grade 5's going to the pizza farm

September 20 - PRO-D Day - no school for students

September 26 - Paarlauf @ TM Roberts School (3:15ish to ?)

September 27 - Terry Fox Run - whole school participates
                       -Bring in a toonie (or more) ASAP and support cancer research!
                       - We have a collection container in our class

September 30 - Orange shirt day
                       - in support of positive aboriginal voices and
                         education about residential schools

October 4 - Fire Drill @ 11am

October 11 to 14 is Thanksgiving Break

October 17 - Earthquake Drill @ 10:15ish

October 21 - Fire Drill @ 2 pm

October 22 - Picture retakes

October 19  - PRO-D Day

October 22 - Fire Drill @11am

October 25 - PRO-D Day

October 31 = Orange and Black Day / Hallowe'en Activities

*Please return: ~ "Multiple low risk field trips form."

Learning opportunities this week...
Language Arts - Literature Study - whole class
                           - reading AMONG THE HIDDEN
                           - students practice reading comprehension, analyze
                             characters and events, summarize, evaluate ideas,...
- We are already on chapter 17 and read daily.

~Word Work - Unit 2 went home on Monday. Complete the work at home and hand-in Wednesday.
                      - Unit #2 study all list words and the challenge words; TEST on Wednesday.

~ Memory Sticks  - Start sharing Monday! They look great. Come see them at the BBQ evening!

Math - Place Value Concepts / Number concept
          - this week is focused on comparing and ordering numbers.... and prime numbers, composite numbers, factors, and multiples.
Click to practice your PLACE VALUE CONCEPTS.

Try all five games to practice your skills!

Also... Practice your FACTS HERE!


            ~  "Keep Moving" unit... study the benefits of being physically active
            ~ Happy / Healthy Students 
                     * 7 Habits toward maximizing your overall health!
Science - The Scientific Method - Theme is AIR PRESSURE
             - demonstrations - we are on labs #2 and #3 this week
             - learning how to describe the process and 
               carefully record all information in "lab write-up"

The Scientific Method 

Socials - will begin in a couple weeks
PE - Flag Football Skills
      - proper techniques of throwing, catching, flag tackling,...
      - also Paarlauf practices - Tuesdays and Thursdays

Art - "A Typical Fall Scene" - concepts of foreground, middle-ground,
                    and background. Due Thursday.
Drama - more drama fun coming soon!!!
Technology Skills - learning how to use MS WORD and Powerpoint effectively
                              - on laptops - start "ppt me". 
House Teams - team building activities next Friday afternoon!
House Team Challenges


The Worker of the Week last week was HALLEY! Congrats! You earned 10 House Team Points. 

Sunday, 8 September 2019

September 9 - 13

Important Dates:

September 13 - Kindness Assembly in gym @ 8:45
                       - Fire Drill @ 1:30

September 16 - PAC Meeting @ 7:15

 September 18 - Picture Day

September 19  - PAC BBQ and Highlands open house

September 20 - PRO-D Day - no school for students

September 26 - Paarlauf @ TM Roberts School (3:15ish to ?)

September 27 - Terry Fox Run - whole school participates
                       -Bring in a toonie (or more) ASAP and support cancer research!
                       - We have a collection container in our class

September 30 - Orange shirt day
                       - in support of positive aboriginal voices and
                         education about residential schools

October 4 - Fire Drill @ 11am

October 11 to 14 is Thanksgiving Break

October 17 - Earthquake Drill @ 10:15ish

October 21 - Fire Drill @ 2 pm

October 22 - Picture retakes

October 19  - PRO-D Day

October 22 - Fire Drill @11am

October 25 - PRO-D Day

October 31 = Orange and Black Day / Hallowe'en Activities

*Please return: ~ "Student Information Verification Forms"
Learning opportunities this week...
Language Arts - Literature Study - whole class
                           - reading AMONG THE HIDDEN
                           - students practice reading comprehension, analyze
                             characters and events, summarize, evaluate ideas,
                             discussions and questioning, ...
- We are already on chapter 7 and read daily.

~Word Work - Unit 1 went home. Complete the work at home and hand-in Friday.
                      - Unit #1 study all list words and the challenge words; TEST on Friday.

~ Memory Sticks  - work at card #5 (ART integration)
                          - student have until Thursday to complete all cards
                          - we will then go into the forest and find our own sticks
                          - next, assemble it & then we share them with the class.

Math - Place Value Concepts / Number concept

Click to practice your PLACE VALUE CONCEPTS.

Try all five games to practice your skills!
Health - will start these two things soon....
            ~  "Keep Moving" unit... study the benefits of being physically active
            ~ Happy / Healthy Students 
                   * 7 Habits toward maximizing your overall health!
Science - The Scientific Method
             - demonstrations of experiments
             - learning how to describe the process and 
               carefully record all information in "lab write-up"

The Scientific Method 
Socials - will begin in a couple weeks
PE - Flag Football Skills
      - proper techniques of throwing, catching, flag tackling,...
      - also Paarlauf practices if you are on the teams

Art - "A Typical Fall Scene" - concepts of foreground, middle-ground, and background.
Autumn Scenes  - on Friday.
Drama - various activities integrated weekly
Technology Skills - learning how to use MS WORD effectively
                              - on laptops
House Teams are selected and posters are due this Friday!

Congrats to The Worker of the Week (W.O.W.) last week...
BRADY! He earned 10 House Team Points for his team. 

Friday, 30 August 2019

Welcome to Highlands grade 4 / 5!

Welcome Grade 4's and 5's!

HES Room 7 – Grade 4/5 Blog

Hello All,
This is an official welcome to students and parents. 

It’s time to start school and we will commence the year with positive energy, new and familiar faces, new goals, and new expectations. 

Class Expectations...
~  About 15 min to 45 min of homework  (some nights)
~ Be prepared each day with the appropriate learning materials
~  Work is legible, neat, complete, and handed-in for grading on time
~  Work toward a positive "growth-mindset." 

Parents! Please watch this video on "Mindsets!" 

~  Participate in all areas of the curriculum to the best of your ability!

******Try your best to keep up with the demands of your grade level.******

~  Work hard & have fun.

~ Be proud of who you are... don't compare yourself to others.

~ Believe in yourself, in your own abilities, and in what you can accomplish.
~ Enjoy learning!           
Mr. Bartraw

September 3 - 6


Tuesday - 2 hours =  9am to 11am


~ show your parents our class blog and you can all read it!
~ complete your name tag for your desk
~ bring all your school supplies ... $__ To Be Announced for agenda books
~ need gym strip and indoor shoes

HOMEWORK… Create a "Weird Club" as discussed in class ...
(be sure to write in complete sentences).
HOMEWORK… work at your "Memory Stick"
project - complete cards 1 and 2. 
Outline page was provided and it's pasted below.
HOMEWORK… Complete the Among The Hidden - Chapter 1 - 3 activities sheet ...

(be sure to write in complete sentences).


HOMEWORK… Complete the Among The Hidden - Chapter 4 - 6 activities sheet ...

(be sure to write in complete sentences).

~ HOMEWORK… work at cards 3 and 4 of your

Memory Stick Assignment...


Card 1
Front: Draw a self-portrait or bring in a recent photo of yourself (a close-up is best).

Back: List 5 words that describe you BEST. Write the 5 words in the most creative way you can.
          (Examples: energetic, humorous, athletic, creative, brilliant, caring, responsible, trustworthy, loving, kind, friendly, punctual, flexible, hard-working, honest, …)

Card 2
Front: Draw a picture of you as a baby or bring in a baby photo of yourself.  (From birth to 2 years old).

Back: List your birth date at the top and write a short baby story you want to share. Use full sentences.

Card 3
Front: Draw a picture of yourself doing something active from ages 3 to 5 or bring in a photo of yourself age 3 to 5.

Back: Write about an important event that happened between the ages of 3 and 5.                             

Card 4
Front: Draw a picture of yourself learning something new from the ages 6 to 7 or bring in a photo of yourself learning 
something new at the ages of 6 to 7.

Back: Write about the front side of this card - something new
(that you could not do before) you were able to learn from the ages of 6 to 7.

Card 5
Front: Draw a picture of yourself at your current age or bring in a photo of yourself doing your most favourite thing! 

Back: Write about the front side of this card – you getting 
pure enjoyment doing your most favourite thing!

Once all five cards have been completed, we will attach them
to our MEMORY STICKS that we found. Remember
to attach them in order from card 1 to card 5. Start with
card #1 and attach it to the base of the stick and so on until
 card #5 is tied on the tip of the stick.
Criteria will be discussed in class… daily!   

Monday, 17 June 2019

Socials Infographic: The Age of Exploration; Life on the Open Seas


Use this information to help answer your inquiry questions.

June 17 to 21

Important information...
 Pines Camp and sd5 permission forms
went home on Tuesday, May 21


June 21 - all chaperones have completed the P.I.C. forms
                 from the RCMP and handed them into Mr. B.
                 @9:30 to noon... parents are welcome

June 24 - Fun Day + PAC FREE BBQ

June 25 - 26 = PINES CAMP TRIP
Bus leaves Tuesday at 7:15am and returns
Wednesday between 5:30 and 6pm. 

June 27 - 9am to 11am last day of school
              - assembly and reports sent home.
L. ARTS...
Reading, writing, responding to text...

“Bloom Ball” Book Report

Name: _____________    Mystery Book Title: _________________________

Throughout the next 20 days, we’ll be working on a unique book report both in class and as homework (if necessary).  The key to successfully completing this project is to keep up with your reading “circles.” Later, we will present our 4 favourite sections of our Bloom Balls.

Here is the timeline for this project:
Tuesday, May 28 ~ Students select a mystery novel from the library
                             ~ divide the total # of pages by 10 = pages to read each day
                                for 10 days, including weekends.

Thursday, June 6 ~ Book is read by now and Mr. Bartraw introduces the rest of the project.

Wednesday, June 12 ~ 6 circles completed in TOTAL.

Tuesday, June 18 ~ DUE DATE! ALL 12 circles should be finished and you are prepared to present your 4 favourite circles.

In order to complete this project, you’ll need to complete 12 circles with the following information on each circle. The BOLD words are to be written on the borders of your pentagons.

Circle 1 – Colorfully write the name and author of your book.  Also write your first and last name on this circle. MY BOOK

Circle 2 – Draw a picture or map of the setting of your story.  Label it. SETTING

Circle 3 – List at least 10 unique or unusual words (VOCABULARY) that the author used in this book. Write the page number beside each vocabulary word.

Circle 4 – List 3 problems faced by your main character. Use complete sentences. PROBLEMS

Circle 5 – Write a poem about the story.  The poem can be a rhyming one or free verse, haiku, acrostic poem, a “shape” poem, etc.  Your choice. POEM

Circle 6 – Write a paragraph telling your opinion of this book in one circle.  Tell why you would or would not recommend it to a friend. RECOMMENDATION

Circle 7 – Write one word in large letters that describes the THEME of your story. Explain your theme underneath this word. (Example: HONESTY – my book is mainly about the theme of honesty since Aiden, my main character, is dishonest to his friends and family by… Later, Aiden realizes that telling the truth is important because…)

Circle 8 – Describe the main character in your story. M.C.
                    ~ Include a NAME – first and last, if possible.
                    ~  Also, write about the physical (looks, age, height, clothing, facial features,
                        hair,…) characteristics.
                    ~ Write a few personality characteristics (Examples: courageous, risk-taker,
                       adventurous, anxious, intelligent, a good problem solver, humorous, thoughtful,
                       careful, likeable, hard-working, easily frightened, determined, conflicted, helpful,
                       generous, personable, curious…) in your description.

Circle 9 – Draw the CLIMAX (point of most intense action) of the book. Add a detailed
                 caption, telling what is happening.

Circle 10 – In one paragraph write a different ending to the story. NEW ENDING

Circle 11 – Write a SUMMARY of the book – include only the plot and main ideas.

Circle 12 – Write a paragraph describing CONNECTIONS from this book to your life. 

Remember to start working each day on a new circle. Write with your absolute best effort and sufficient detail.

Have fun with this mystery book project! Due June 18, 2019.

Writing  - integrated into the book report.
Math - Graphing (x,y) coordinates
          - transformations of basic shapes... translations,
             reflections, and rotations.
Transformation Game
~ physical, emotional, and social changes 
~ making positive decisions
~ positive self-image 
Science - Simple machines! Try the quiz...

Simple machines quiz 

PE - kickball
Technology -integrated into all subjects
Socials - life aboard a European Explorer's ship 
Applied Design, Skills, and Technology - several
quick design items plus a larger simple
machines project upcoming.
DRAMA - one minute on the box story lines!

Congrats to NATALIA for being the Worker of the Week last week! Ten H.T.P.'s!

Sunday, 9 June 2019

June 10 to 14

Important information...
 Pines Camp and sd5 permission forms
went home on Tuesday, May 21


June 14  - Pro-D Day


June 21 - all chaperones have completed the P.I.C. forms
                 from the RCMP and handed them into Mr. B.
                 @9:30 to noon... parents are welcome

June 24 - Fun Day + PAC FREE BBQ

June 25 - 26 = PINES CAMP TRIP
Bus leaves Tuesday at 7:15am and returns
Wednesday between 5:30 and 6pm. 

June 27 - 9am to 11am last day of school
              - assembly and reports sent home.
L. ARTS...
Reading, writing, responding to text...

“Bloom Ball” Book Report

Name: _____________    Mystery Book Title: _________________________

Throughout the next 20 days, we’ll be working on a unique book report both in class and as homework (if necessary).  The key to successfully completing this project is to keep up with your reading “circles.” Later, we will present our 4 favourite sections of our Bloom Balls.

Here is the timeline for this project:
Tuesday, May 28 ~ Students select a mystery novel from the library
                             ~ divide the total # of pages by 10 = pages to read each day
                                for 10 days, including weekends.

Thursday, June 6 ~ Book is read by now and Mr. Bartraw introduces the rest of the project.

Wednesday, June 12 ~ 6 circles completed in TOTAL.

Tuesday, June 18 ~ DUE DATE! ALL 12 circles should be finished and you are prepared to present your 4 favourite circles.

In order to complete this project, you’ll need to complete 12 circles with the following information on each circle. The BOLD words are to be written on the borders of your pentagons.

Circle 1 – Colorfully write the name and author of your book.  Also write your first and last name on this circle. MY BOOK

Circle 2 – Draw a picture or map of the setting of your story.  Label it. SETTING

Circle 3 – List at least 10 unique or unusual words (VOCABULARY) that the author used in this book. Write the page number beside each vocabulary word.

Circle 4 – List 3 problems faced by your main character. Use complete sentences. PROBLEMS

Circle 5 – Write a poem about the story.  The poem can be a rhyming one or free verse, haiku, acrostic poem, a “shape” poem, etc.  Your choice. POEM

Circle 6 – Write a paragraph telling your opinion of this book in one circle.  Tell why you would or would not recommend it to a friend. RECOMMENDATION

Circle 7 – Write one word in large letters that describes the THEME of your story. Explain your theme underneath this word. (Example: HONESTY – my book is mainly about the theme of honesty since Aiden, my main character, is dishonest to his friends and family by… Later, Aiden realizes that telling the truth is important because…)

Circle 8 – Describe the main character in your story. M.C.
                    ~ Include a NAME – first and last, if possible.
                    ~  Also, write about the physical (looks, age, height, clothing, facial features,
                        hair,…) characteristics.
                    ~ Write a few personality characteristics (Examples: courageous, risk-taker,
                       adventurous, anxious, intelligent, a good problem solver, humorous, thoughtful,
                       careful, likeable, hard-working, easily frightened, determined, conflicted, helpful,
                       generous, personable, curious…) in your description.

Circle 9 – Draw the CLIMAX (point of most intense action) of the book. Add a detailed
                 caption, telling what is happening.

Circle 10 – In one paragraph write a different ending to the story. NEW ENDING

Circle 11 – Write a SUMMARY of the book – include only the plot and main ideas.

Circle 12 – Write a paragraph describing CONNECTIONS from this book to your life. 

Remember to start working each day on a new circle. Write with your absolute best effort and sufficient detail.

Have fun with this mystery book project! Due June 18, 2019.

Writing  - integrated into the book report.
Math - Graphing (x,y) coordinates
          - transformations of basic shapes... translations,
             reflections, and rotations.
Transformation Game
~ physical, emotional, and social changes 
~ making positive decisions
~ positive self-image 
Science - Simple machines! Try the quiz...

Simple machines quiz 

PE - racket games
Technology -integrated into all subjects
Socials - completed!
Applied Design, Skills, and Technology - several
quick design items plus a larger simple
machines project upcoming.
DRAMA - one minute on the box story lines in 2 weeks!

Congrats to TALIA for being the Worker of the Week last week! Ten H.T.P.'s!