Sunday, 25 February 2024

February 26 to March 1

Important Dates / Information:


~ Feb 28th  - Pink Shirt Day / anti-bullying day - wear a pink shirt if  you have one.

How pink shirt day began in Canada...

                    - Assembly in the morning


March 1 - non-instructional Friday = no school


 March 11 is the next day at Kimberley Alpine Resort... Forms went home and must be returned with payment by Thursday, February 29th. 

~We will be leaving school at 8:45am on the bus and returning to the school between 5:00pm and 5:15pm this time... or YOU CAN CHOOSE TO GO BACK TO HES ON THE EARLY BUS.


March 16 to April 1 = SPRING BREAK...

April 2 = classes resume.


Learning opportunities this week...
Language Arts - we will continue our novel study with the theme of learning about Residential School and anti-bullying. We are on book two called... A Stranger at Home...

A TRUE STORY After two years in Catholic residential school, 10-year-old Olemaun returns to Tuktoyaktuk on Canada's Arctic coast, a stranger to her friends and family, unaccustomed to the food and clothing and unable to speak or understand her native language.

A Stranger At Home: A True Story: Jordan-Fenton, Christy, Pokiak-Fenton,  Margaret-Olemaun: 9781554513611: Books -


Writing: integrated with socials, genius hour, and all subjects!


~Word Work - Unit 23 will be practiced this week. Complete all your work. 

                        - Hand-in your WW page on or before Friday.

                      - list words will always be in the agendas.
                      - Unit #23 study all list words; TEST on this Thursday. 

NEW in term two... Word Work will include Boggle challenges and working with letter tiles to increase word generator skills and spelling skills. 

Math - ... focused on multiplication, patterns in multiplication, and later 2-digit # x 1-digit #, 3-d x 1-d, 2-d x 2-d,...



We all have access to MATHLETICS. Students will have a chance to work on the current math curricular areas in class and at home. 

***Usernames and passwords were sent home with learning updates. ***

Cross-curricular competencies -

Genius Hour

 1.   Watch the video… What is genius hour?   

2.   Choose something you are passionate about and teach / share it with others.

 Your ideas could be anything from learning how to do a new skill (like sewing or playing the guitar for the first time), to studying space, to volunteering somewhere in our community, to fly fishing, painting with water-colours, inventing something new that solves a problem,… ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES.

 3.   Once you have your chosen topic, SHARE IT! Talk about it, create a poster, power-point, research booklet, a play, video, …. Anything you want and share all your findings IN YOUR OWN WORDS. NO CUT AND PASTING FROM THE INTERNET.

 4.   Use this guideline to get you started… Genius hour GUIDELINE

 5.   I will show you an example of a genius hour project in class… Alexander's Weaving Project - only seen from Mr. B's computer.

 6.   Still stuck? Need a pep talk?

 7.   Enjoy and have fun learning about something you are interested in, something new, learning about or love to do.

 DUE DATE = Tuesday, APRIL 16, 2024. 


Socials -  PRO / CON debating and positive decision-making skills - connected to Health.  

~ INFOGRAPHICS NOTE-TAKING SKILLS... learning about specific Canadian First Peoples (Sto:lo people) and connections to land, animals, oceans, and spirits, which continues to shape Canada’s identity. 


Health Ed - start iMinds learning this week!

U Victoria iMinds information 

iMinds is a way of thinking about health education. It encourages young people to develop drug and gambling literacy—the ability to live in the real world in a way that promotes well-being.

iMinds is a collection of resources for schools related to substance use and gambling. The lesson ideas fit well within the scope of BC’s K-12 curriculum with its emphasis on core and curricular competencies. The collection includes specific competencies for drug literacy and gambling literacy.

iMinds is not a program. There is no pre-set package of lessons to achieve drug or gambling literacy. The provided lesson ideas are samples designed to help teachers see multiple possibilities and opportunities to address health and well-being within the scope of various curricular subjects.


PE - Lacrosse Skills: guest instructors on Wed and Thurs - practicing our skills!


Career Education - ... studying a potential career after a personal interests survey - present your findings! Research your chosen career. 




Your Future Career: 

Use the website… 

 Started: in class – self-inventory is finished.


Perform an Inquiry (Find Out About) what job you may like, from your survey answers…


You then will need to create a MS Word document (as taught in class) to show what you discovered about yourself and your possible future career!


This document will include…

1.  Name the job / career.

2.  Describe it.

3.  Duties of the job / career.

4.  Where and when is the job.

5.  What and/or who they work with.

6.  Fast facts: a) Education and Training

                  b) Wages (how much $ do you earn per year)

                  c) Any other facts.


*Note: Presentation Format is  word doc.

 Due Wednesday, May 1st is our CAREER FAIR day!



Technology Skills - on laptops - typing skills and later...


Dance mat typing guide
CONGRATS to  CALI for earning WORKER OF THE WEEK last week and 

.... earning 10 house team points! Great efforts = great results!

Monday, 19 February 2024

February 20 to 23

 Important Dates / Information:


March 11 is the next day at Kimberley Alpine Resort... Forms will be coming home later this week. We will be leaving school at 8:45am on the bus and returning to the school between 5:00pm and 5:15pm this time. More details to come.


February 20 = Talent Show at Key City Theater - we will go on the bus in the afternoon.



Feb 23 - PINK THE RINK night.


~ Feb 28th  - Pink Shirt Day / anti-bullying day - wear a pink shirt if  you have one.

                    - Assembly in the morning.

Learning opportunities this week...
Language Arts - we will continue our novel study with the theme of learning about Residential School and anti-bullying. We are on book two called...

A TRUE STORY After two years in Catholic residential school, 10-year-old Olemaun returns to Tuktoyaktuk on Canada's Arctic coast, a stranger to her friends and family, unaccustomed to the food and clothing and unable to speak or understand her native language.

A Stranger At Home: A True Story: Jordan-Fenton, Christy, Pokiak-Fenton,  Margaret-Olemaun: 9781554513611: Books -



We HAVE LEARNED about literary devices so that we can input these into our story writing. This includes:

  • hyperbole - first
  • alliteration - second 
  • personification - third.

 We are also working daily at proper letter formation, printing, and writing complete sentences. WATCH OUT FOR THOSE FLOATING LETTERS (g, j, p, q, y)!

Sound Effects Story – Criteria

Name:  _______________________             Story Title: ________________________________


Rating Scale


There is a clear beginning, middle, and ending of the story and a word count between 750 and 1,500 words.


1  2  3  4  5

A ‘hook’ is used effectively at the start to capture the attention of the listeners.


1  2  3  4  5

Story has a significant, developed problem; it’s realistic and it makes sense.


1  2  3  4  5

Story flows smoothly in sequence from one idea to the next.


1  2  3  4  5

Story contains powerful vocabulary (descriptive and accurate word choices).


1  2  3  4  5

There is one (or more) accurate use(s) of personification of an object, an animal, or a concept.


1  2  3  4  5

Alliteration is used appropriately at least 2 times.



1  2  3  4  5

Hyperbole is used appropriately at least once.



1  2  3  4  5

Sound effects are used appropriately & effectively

(sounds/music match the words or phrases).


1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 

 Mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capital letter usage,...) will also be graded separately.



Total = ______


Criteria is discussed in class. 

**Final draft due on Friday, February 23, @ 2:50. We have begun typing (for those who are finished editing their first drafts).

Students can access the portal and work on their stories if they need more time.      

Instructions for typing out your story at your house.

1.  Go to the 'sd5 portal' website. Click on 'utility links' at the top of the page.

2.  Click on “Office 365.” Scroll down and click on "sign in."

3.  Sign in using your # (the same # you use every day at school)... and email.


4. You are now in the portal! Your sound effects story will be there.


~Word Work - Unit 22 will be practiced this week. Complete all your work. 

                        - Hand-in your WW page on or before Friday.

                      - list words will always be in the agendas.
                      - Unit #22 study all list words; TEST on Friday. 

NEW in term two... Word Work will include Boggle challenges and working with letter tiles to increase word generator skills and spelling skills. 

Math - ... focused on multiplication, patterns in multiplication, and later 2-d x 1-d, 3-d x 1-d, ...



We all have access to MATHLETICS. Students will have a chance to work on the current math curricular areas in class and at home. 

***Usernames and passwords were sent home with learning updates. ***


Career Education - ... studying a potential career after a personal interests survey - present your findings... it will be reported on in term three!

Cross-curricular competencies -

Genius Hour

 1.   Watch the video… What is genius hour?   

2.   Choose something you are passionate about and teach / share it with others.

 Your ideas could be anything from learning how to do a new skill (like sewing or playing the guitar for the first time), to studying space, to volunteering somewhere in our community, to fly fishing, painting with water-colours, inventing something new that solves a problem,… ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES.

 3.   Once you have your chosen topic, SHARE IT! Talk about it, create a poster, power-point, research booklet, a play, video, …. Anything you want and share all your findings IN YOUR OWN WORDS. NO CUT AND PASTING FROM THE INTERNET.

 4.   Use this guideline to get you started… Genius hour GUIDELINE

 5.   I will show you an example of a genius hour project in class… Alexander's Weaving Project - only seen from my computer.

 6.   Still stuck? Need a pep talk?

 7.   Enjoy and have fun learning about something you are interested in, something new, learning about or love to do.

 DUE DATE = Tuesday, APRIL 16, 2024. 


Socials -  PRO / CON debating and positive decision-making skills - connected to Health.  

~ INFOGRAPHICS NOTE-TAKING SKILLS... learning about specific Canadian First Peoples (Sto:lo people) and connections to land, animals, oceans, and spirits, which continues to shape Canada’s identity. 


Health Ed - start iMinds learning next week!

PE - Fresher, then Badminton Skills


ART - Abstract black glue ART


Technology Skills - on laptops - typing skills and later...


Dance mat typing guide
CONGRATS to  JAXTON for earning WORKER OF THE WEEK last week and 

.... earning 10 house team points! Great efforts = great results!