Important Dates / Information:
May 31 - online TEAMS Wetland lessons from experts! 12:15 to 1:15pm
June 3 to 6 is GoByBike week. It's a Cranbrook bike to school challenge! Every day that you ride your bike to school, you receive a ballot for a chance to win a bike from Gerick Sports!
June 4 - District Track and Field day for qualifying athletes
June 5 and 12 - bring your bike and helmet for PE = 1 hour.
June 7 - Pro-D Day - no school for students
June 12 - Spring Music concert in gym at 1pm
June 19 - Field Trip to Creston Valley Wildlife Management Area ... Adaptations to Life in a Wetland and Canoe Tour
June 21 - Fun Day in the afternoon - hosted by gr. 6 students
June 24 - HES at Fairmont Hot Springs
June 25 - Moyie Lake beach... if we can get 2 lifeguards that we requested.
June 26 - Grade 4 bike & hike day in the forest!
June 27 -last day of school for students from 9am to 11am
- Learning update #3 goes home
- Enjoy your summer!
Learning opportunities this week...
“Bloom Ball” Book Report
Name: _____________ Mystery Book Title: _________________________
Throughout the next few weeks, we’ll be working on a unique book report both in class and as homework (ONLY if necessary). The key to successfully completing this project is to keep up with your reading “circles.” Later, we will present our 4 favourite sections of our Bloom Balls.
Here is the timeline for this project:
Tuesday, May 21 ~ Students select a mystery novel from the library. ~ divide the total # of pages by 10 = pages to read each day for 10 days, excluding weekends.
Monday, June 3 ~ your book is read by now and Mr. Bartraw introduces the rest of the project.
Tuesday, June 11 ~ 6 circles completed in TOTAL.
Wednesday, June 19 ~ DUE DATE! ALL 12 circles MUST be finished and you are prepared to present your 4 favourite circles.
The above dates are given as a guide, the only 2 mandatory dates are the book approval and final project due date. The report will be graded for both reading and writing on the rating scale provided in class.
Each student will be given 12 circles. It would be a good idea to write all the information on blank paper and proofread it before transferring to the circles. All information is to be handwritten / printed.
Writing: included in the reading summaries, daily.
~Word Work - Unit #34 will be practiced this week. Complete all your work.
- Hand-in your WW page on or before Friday.
- list words will always be in the agendas.
- Unit #34 study all list
words; TEST on Friday.
Math - ... to math translations, reflections, and rotations called
'transformations / movement geometry.'
Fractions and decimals are next on the list!
We all have access to MATHLETICS. Students will have a chance to work on the current math curricular areas in class and at home.
***Usernames and passwords were sent home with learning updates. ***
SCIENCE - Biomes, ecosystems, living things responding to their environment...
.............................................................................................Socials ~~ early contact, trade, cooperation, and conflict between First Peoples and European peoples
PE -Badminton skills - Shot techniques: forehand, backhand, clear, drop, smash, and serve.
- learning the rules of doubles... by next week, we will play doubles matches.
ART - ARTIST STUDY... KEITH HARING - Started this last week... finish TUESDAY this week!
Technology Skills - on laptops - typing skills and later...
Dance mat typing guide
OF THE WEEK last week and