Monday 14 October 2024

October 15 to 18

Important Dates:


We will be starting FSA TESTS next Monday, October 21...

What are FSA TESTS?

Request your child to withdrawal form.  



October 22 & 23    - BOOK FAIR in the gym - 1pm to 4pm on Tuesday & 1pm to 3pm on Wednesday! ...SO BRING MONEY IF YOU CAN AND BUY SOME BOOKS! MORE INFO TO COME.  

~ November 7 = PHOTO RETAKES ~

Learning opportunities this week...
Language Arts -

Creative Writing - Under the Rug...

Under the Rug – A Short Story – The Educator 

Writing sentences - we are working at increasing our accuracy of written communication.

- we are using this as a guideline...

How To Write Complete Sentences



My sentence begins with an uppercase letter.


My sentence ends with a period, exclamation point, or a question mark.


All lowercase letters are formed correctly (tall letters are tall, short letters are short, and letters that are supposed to be written below the line are written below the line).


My sentence has at least one subject (the ‘who’ or what part of the sentence).


My sentence has a predicate (the details / what is happening part).


***We are working at improving our grammar skills: understanding the four types of sentences, sentence fragments versus run-on sentences, the three punctuation 'stops,' and capitalization usage as well. Of course, proper spelling is an essential piece, too.***

Creative writing continues...

Under the Rug

Due October 22, in class, during laptop time.

- Hook your reader.

- Write on every other line.

- 2 to 5 pages double-spaced (from your draft copy).


~Word Work - Unit 6 - students are starting from different levels of spelling, there will be different groups, according to where they are at, as observed in class. Students may increase or decrease in levels, depending on their written outputs. 

- All units are handed out on Mondays and then the rest needs to be worked on at home.

 *Students are responsible for bringing home their list words at the beginning of each week. There are activities on the pages; practicing word patterns, meanings of words, etc,.. Students must return the page for grading on, or before, the last day of the week.

                      - work at the word and letter patterns, connect the sounds letters make,...

                      - HAND IN FINISHED 'WORD WORK' PAPER ON or before FRIDAY.
                      - Unit #6 study all list words; TEST on Friday.


Math - Place Value Concepts / Number concepts

  - subtraction skills - basic facts, then later working on up to 4-digit #'s subtract 4-d #'s. 

Click to practice...

Subtraction mission



Try some games to practice your skills!

Health - Keep Moving unit.

- the importance of physical activity and health benefits.

- the three main types of physical activity: strength, endurance, flexibility.


Career Education - goal setting and how to achieve a long term goal 

Science - finished for a month 

Socials - Mapping unit - practicing mapping skills online and with real maps.

Click below, in order, to practice...

1. Continents & oceans  tutorial.

 2. Identify the Continents (timed) 

 3. Continents-and-oceans-globe spinning game

4.Canadian Provinces / Territories 

5. Find the Canadian capital cities! 

PE - various team games strategies, Guard the Pins and Speed Ball.


Bird-painting-and sketching


Drama = "The Case of the Missing Dentures." Make sure you study your lines and dress up as your character - performance date is Thursday, October 24th.

- various activities integrated where possible
Technology Skills - learning how to use MS WORD and Power-point effectively
                              - on laptops

                              - "Under the Rug"is the next Power-point assignment.

House Teams - Wear your colour or HUSKIES GEAR on Fridays!

CONGRATS to ISOBEL for earning WORKER OF THE WEEK last week and.... earning 10 house team points! Great efforts = great results!

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