Wednesday 30 November 2011

It's December already!

So, we've just finished our novel, but there are extentions - a quiz and a drama activity. We are looking forward to Among The Imposters in January.

WE all discovered or rediscovered the importance of doing our homework. Five people out of twenty-one completed the math homework. Everyone else had to stay in at lunch to finish it.

Please have a discussion with your child about completing all homework on time and with the BEST quality possible. All the letter grades for each subject are calculated if you are interested. Although, an official written report card will not be sent out, due to job action - phase I, as you know. Furthermore, term two has commenced as of Monday, November 28th. 

FYI:  Mrs. Walker and I had to change skating to swimming due to many students who have no access to skates and there is not a skate rental option this year at the Rec. Centre. The cost of swimming is $3.50 or use your swim pass if you have one. When... Dec. 8th from 1pm to 2pm.

Monday 28 November 2011

What a twist of events...

... in Among The Hidden. Ask your child what happened in our novel today. Interesting!


FYI - we are skating on Thursday, December 8th at 1:15pm - 2:15pm.

       - we'll wrap up 2011 with bowling on Friday, December 16th @ 10:30am - 11:30am

       - we are waiting for a reply from Kimberley Alpine Resort to go skiing / snowboarding 2 or 3 times in
          the new year

       - the cost of each will be announced closer to the events.

Friday 25 November 2011


Worker of the Week!
Congratulations to…

Elizabeth M.  

·      Excellence on her science – electricity test.    
·      Paying attention to details in her ‘Area’ and ‘Perimeter’ math work; especially the Dream Room project.
·      Showing some good lacrosse skills – shooting and ball control.  
·      Being very focused during our novel study, Among The Hidden – offering to read & answering comprehension questions.    
·      Working well at understanding the weekly vocabulary words.
·      Showing great determination when working at any reading and writing activity.
·      Demonstrating maturity and a positive willingness every day.
Great Work!  Keep working well!

Thursday 24 November 2011

Friday, Nov. 25...

LA - we are reading Among The Hidden - a thrilling novel about a boy named Luke who is a 'shadow child' (ask your child about this).

      - writing lots of reading responses to the novel & discussions are rich!

      - word work is vocabulary - 6 words per week and know the meaning. Test Friday, of course.

Math - just completed perimeter and area concepts with a 'dream room' wrap-up assignment - Caytlyn and Jessie are the last two to present.

Science - electricity test was today - expect the results tomorrow - one more component to go - "The Future of Electricity" - finished a mini-booklet on "Where does electricity come from?"

Socials - read a bio. on a man who changed the world - ______________  ______________ . Fill in the blank for a house team point.

PE - lacrosse unit is a hit!

Art - starting paper mosaics with emphasis on colour - hue, tone, cool, warm, complimentary, contrast,...

~~~~~~*****NOTE: All the volleyball players must get caught up on Monday - lunch - in classroom.

Monday 21 November 2011

Among The Hidden...

For 5 house team points...

In your agenda, on Tuesday's date (November 22), write a 3 or 4 sentence prediction on what will happen next in our novel. You must show Mr. Bartraw by Tuesday at 2pm - before early dismissal time!

Think critically & carefully!

Sunday 20 November 2011

Health Note...

Health Beat
November 2011
Louise Poole
Health Promoting Schools
Coordinator for sd#8

Regularly consuming drinks that are high in sugar and low in nutrients can be associated with weight gain, obesity and increased risk for tooth decay. Research indicates that children and youth who regularly consume large amounts of sugary beverages tend not to consume enough healthy beverages such as milk and may miss out on key nutrients required for healthy growth and development.
Eating fruits instead of drinking juice provides the same nutrients, plus fibre, which keeps us full longer and is good for our bodies. When choosing fruit juices, make sure the label says "
It is recommended to have only 125 mL of juice a day.
100% fruit juice"; juices that say "fruit drink" on the label often have added sugar and are equivalent to drinking pop. Maximum recommended amount of added sugar per student per day: 13 sugar cubes = 13 teaspoons One important step towards better health and a healthy body weight is to follow Canada’s Food Guide, limiting foods and beverages high in calories, fat, sugar or salt. Pop and many other drinks are high in calories and sugar.
Thirsty? Drink Water! for more information.

Beverage                                         Sugar Content

Double Gulp 1.8L                             54 teaspoons
Coke 591 ml                                      18 teaspoons
Powerade Sports Drink 710 mL       16 teaspoons
Fruitopia 473 ml                            14.5 teaspoons
Apple Juice Bottle 473 ml                13 teaspoons
Milk 2% 500 ml                                    6 teaspoons
Diet Coke 591 ml                      0 teaspoons - Aspartame
Water 500 ml                                       0 teaspoons

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Tonight's Homework

Word Work - finish the six vocab. words

Math - 4 page perimeter assignment

Writing - Pro/Con - the plan - 3 powerful examples & finish the introduction.

French - finish your page.

Monday 14 November 2011

Be prepared

... for a very busy week of work!

Welcome to the blog, Megan!

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Quick notes...

- hand in The Cliffhanger ending on Wednesday

- have your video project ready to present on Wed & Thurs

- last debates; this round, on Wed.

- return all 'Operation Christmas Child' boxes with items + min. $7.

- Remembrance Day Assembly Thurs., @ 10am

- work on your math facts daily and perimeter questions.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Current projects...

We are working on:

  • Reading: chunk#5 of our novel - the last chunk. Students will create a 7 minute (approx.) video or live performance of their understanding & interpretation of the last chunk.

  • Writing / Speaking:  we are working on our debating skills; written 'pro' & 'con' plans and then we must adapt to the reasons of our debate partner = verbal spontaneity!
  • Word Work:  *we are typing out our words and using specific formatting.
                                *study your words all week and practice saying them & spelling them, too.

  • Math: finishing-up integers and how to + , - , x, and /.  TEST ON PATTERNS, EXPRESSIONS, EQUATIONS, AND INTEGERS ON THURSDAY, NOV. 3.

  • Socials / drama:  group work on basic human rights PART II.  Next, we will learn about the UN and its role in the world.

  • Science:  electromagnetism is next.

  • Art:  finishing the mod podge art on hats and pencil cases.  The skeletons turned out to be extremely detailed in design of the eyes and mouth - effective with all the cobwebs, too.

  • PE:  volleyball skills are progressing - serving has improved. 

  • French: finish your french for next Tues.

~ Samaritan's Purse (Christmas Boxes) can be brought back to the class anytime before Nov. 14th. Thanks for making a difference as a 'global citizen.'

~ Brainology starts tomorrow!

~ Work to the best of your ability everyday & then push yourself to do even better, somehow.