A joke for the season: Why is it so cold at Christmas?
Because it's in Decembrrrr
Five children want a snack. There is : an orange, a muffin, an apple, chocolate bread and raisin bread. Hints : - Michelle hates chocolate and oranges. - Irène loves raisins. - Pierre et Sarah don't want chocolate bread. - Pierre et Jean are the only ones who like apples. Question: What was their snack?. |
*old pens which don't work * bubble wrap *old envelopes with a stamp & address on it * stencils *new envelopes (different sizes) to hold different items * letter &/ number sets *glue sticks * rubber stamps *"Yes" or "Modgepodge" * potato stamps *old telephone books * plastic forks, knives & spoons *maps * old toothbrush *postcards * popsicle sticks *photos * string *photo corners * wool *newspapers *wrappers (candy, gifts) *flyers * puzzle pieces *catalogues * pressed flowers *magazines * playing cards *business cards * receipts *labels * menus * fabric * brochures *calendars * stickers *cartoons & comics * name tags *ticket stubs * pressed flowers *paper clips * cellophane *ribbon * words, quotations |
Observations: Draw and label two diagrams of the experiment. Use arrows to show air pressure.
Student reflection: The writing part I did the very best was ________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________. What I need to improve at is _________________________________________________________. Teacher comments : one positive part ________________________________________________. Area to improve: try to __________________________________________________________. |