Monday 12 January 2015

Bust An Animal Myth

Your Challenge:

Select one myth and briefly describe it in a MS Word Document. Add a picture from clip art or images.

Research the myth and disprove it (BUST it)! Be sure to give reasons why this myth is untrue. Also add a picture or two in this section.

Here is a list of myths from which you can choose:

·      Porcupines throw their quills
·      Bats are blind
·      Bird bellies explode if they eat rice
·      The average person swallows four spiders in their sleep each year
·      Pigs are filthy
·      One dog year equals seven human years
·      Sharks kill hundreds of people per year
·      Turkey makes you sleepy because it contains a lot of tryptophan
·      Alligators live in the sewers of New York City
·      Ostriches bury their heads in the sand when they are scared
·      If you cut an earthworm in half you will get two worms
·      Touching a frog or toad will give you warts
·      Camels store water in their humps
·      Dogs’ mouths are cleaner than humans
·      It’s bad luck to let a black cat cross your path
·      Bulls charge when they see red
·      Mother birds will reject their babies if they have been touched by humans
·      Opossums hang by their tails
·      Penguins fall backward when they look up at airplanes
·      Elephants are afraid of mice
·      Goldfish have only a three second memory
·      Lemmings commit suicide.

Remember all of the above statements are untruths. Now it’s time to prove it!

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