Sunday 13 January 2019

January 14 to 17

Important Information and Dates:

Communicating Student Learning Progress (Report Cards)
~ parents: please read reports; return the envelope only... this week or next week would be great.
~ students: work at the goals listed in the report.
~ If you have questions or concerns please contact Mr. Bartraw.

Jan 18 - No School

Jan 21 - PAC Meeting

Feb 15 - No School

Feb 18 - Family Day

Feb 25 - PAC Meeting

Feb 27 - Pink Shirt Day - Anti-bullying support

March 5 - Art Start Performance

March 14 - Report #2 Home with Students

March 18 - 29 is Spring Break 

L. ARTS...
Among The Barons continues! Book 4 in our series.
~ lots of emphasis on character and plot development, critical thinking, comparing and contrasting, context clues, and reading strategies students should use while Mr. Bartraw reads to the class. 


We will also continue to focus on "voice"
in writing - short, intense mini-lessons and activities 20 minutes 3 times a week.
~ Various mini-lessons...
~ 5 short creative writing pieces starting with...


Creative writing entries continue...
             -share 'Our Book of Awesome!'

Writer's voice is January's focus!
Finding your writer's voice
             Choose from these five starters...
             Sheila needed the money, and so against her better judgment she said yes.
                 In the morning I see that things have gotten worse.
               Bob has that look on his face again.
                I almost speak up, but at the last moment I don’t say anything.
George realizes he’s made a mistake two seconds too late ........................................................................

Word Work #16 - Words handed out on first day of each week
                            - four groups, at various levels
                            - TEST on Thursday - 20 words.       
Math - multiplication:
 Please continue to practice your multiplication facts as our next unit will be division... it will help you!    
Sketch World Multiplication

~ We are working of mastery of multiplying by multiples of ten...
 like 400 x 80 = 32,000 and 6,000 x 7,000 = 42,000,000
Socials -Animal Spirit - What's yours? Leads in to "Legends"
            - Storytelling: How the  __animal___  got its ___????___.   
How the turtle got its shell 
Science - Earth / Space
~the effects of the relative positions of the sun, moon, and Earth including local First Peoples perspectives

Genius Hour... continues - choose a focus question.

What is genius hour?

What else is GH?     Need a pep talk?
Health: iMinds program: new ways of looking at substance use and misuse.

Grade 5's start D.A.R.E. with Constable Katie
PE - Basketball skills, strategies, proper technique, (drills & practice dribbling, shooting, passing, and ball control...)
Technology - integrated with creative writing, and science.
ART - integrated with socials: animal spirit next week

Spirit Animals Symbolism

5 Minute art challenges

Congrats to KEATON for being the Worker of the Week last week! Nice job!

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