Important Dates / Information:
~ Remember to bring a mask and wear it in class. Thanks!
May 31 to June 4... ride your bike to school week...
Learning opportunities this week...
Language Arts - NEW novel study...
“Bloom Ball” Book Report
Mystery Book Title: _________________________
We have been working on a unique book report both in class and as homework (ONLY if necessary). The key to successfully completing this project is to keep up with your reading “circles.” Later, we will present our 4 favourite sections of our Bloom Balls.
Here is the timeline for this project:
Monday, May 17 ~ Students select a mystery novel from the library ~ divide the total # of pages by 10 = pages to read each day for 10 days, excluding weekends. Tuesday, June 1 ~ Book is read by now and Mr. Bartraw introduces the rest of the project. Wednesday, June 9 ~ 6 circles completed in TOTAL. Wednesday, June 16 ~ DUE DATE! ALL 12 circles should be finished and you are prepared to present your 4 favourite circles. Looks like this...
The above dates are given as a guide, the only 2 mandatory dates are the book approval and final project due date. The report will be graded for both reading and writing on the rating scale provided in class.
Each student will be given 12 circles. It would be a good idea to write all information on blank paper and having it proofread before transferring to the circles. All information is to be hand written / printed.
Writing focus - Writing 3 different dialogue stories. Students have published their best one and can share (optional) by reading it to the class.
~Word Work - Unit 33 will be practiced this week. Complete all your work at home.
- list words will always be in the agenda pocket.
- Unit #33 study all list
words and the challenge words; TEST on Friday.
Math - we are learning about fractions, decimals, and percentages and how they are all connected.
~ OPTIONS: practice your MULTIPLICATION FACTS... Multiplication Deep Dive
and ADDITION... Deep Dive Addition AND Deep Dive Subtraction
access to MATHLETICS to work at school or at home.
Science - finished Mystery Science!
Socials - studying...
Interactions between First Peoples and Europeans lead to conflict and cooperation, which continues to shape Canada’s identity.
More... first contact and what really happened? The fur trade, the gold rush and more!
PE - bike safety and biking 2 more left... to be announced at a later date.
- track and field skills building up to the track meet on May 27.
ART - various projects
+ another ADST challenge starts next week!
Kid's Rube Goldberg design super challenging
Rube Goldberg COMPLEX pass the salt ... Impossible, almost!
Technology Skills - gathering info, WORD document skills for a surprise for Mr. Griffiths.
OF THE WEEK last week
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