Thursday 5 September 2024

School Supplies Payment Info...

 This is forwarded from Lorelle Shortridge (PAC representative)

Highlands students school supplies payments...

We will be using the hot lunch website to track payments
You will NEED TO RE-REGISTER - the system is wiped clean every year.

The amount owing is $45 per student.
If for any reason you need any assistant making this payment please let our principal know, we have a fund set for that.




2. Click the "REGISTER" menu at the top right-hand corner to sign up. Our school code is “HIGH”
3. Enter your name, email address and phone, then a user id that you will use for access to the hot lunches application. Enter a password and then enter it again to verify that it is correct.
4. Once registered, you will be logged into the website
5. Please add your students by clicking on the "STUDENTS" button below or the "PROFILE" menu tab in order to proceed.
6. Once your students have been added to the system you see a school supply option come up. Please click on that option
You can then pay by e-transfer to Please put in notes who the payment is for.


PAY cash or cheque to Highlands school PAC —- there is a locked pac box in the office that you can slip those into. Please make sure to make a note of who your cash or cheque is for.


Thanks everyone !

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