Sunday, 17 November 2024

Science Biomes Project

Grade 4 research on Biomes and Ecosystems

#1        Choose a biome that you would like to study.

 Research about biomes HERE!

1. Look through the terrestrial and aquatic biomes lists.

2. Decide on which biome you want to study.

3. Start gathering facts and information according to the guidelines below.


#2        Describe your biome

a)     Where is your biome located in the world? Describe where and show where on a world map. (2 points)

b)    List five or more interesting facts about your biome. (5 points)

c)     List several non-living things found in your biome. (1 point)


#3        Animal and Plant Adaptations

a)     Write about two plants and two animals and their special adaptations that help them survive in that ecosystem within your chosen biome.


                    (2 plants and 2 animals and their adaptations = 8 points)


b)    What are the predators and prey of the two animals and two plants? (2 points)

c)     Include images in your report (from drawings or a computer).

(2 points)


Total possible points =   20 points

#4        Create a Diorama     (see rubric on next page)

This part of the project will be completed at school. Collect any small items that will make a diorama look realistic to the chosen biome and ecosystem. Some ideas are small pebbles, pieces of pine trees, small plastic animals, cotton balls for clouds or snow, small shrubs or bushes, plastic plants, shells, sand or anything else. These should be brought to school on December 6th for the dioramas. All other materials such as paint, plasticine, pipe cleaners, paper, glue will be provided by the school.



#5        Format = WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO DO to display your project using your notes from school:

a)     A slide show or Word Doc. on the computer with a diorama

b)    A written report in a booklet with a diorama

c)     A poster using large poster paper with a diorama

d)    Other ideas? Talk to Mr. Bartraw



#6            DUE DATES:

1.      Diorama materials and a shoebox should be at school by December 6th.

2.      Written research report / poster / or slide show should be completed and handed into class by TUESDAY, December 10th.

3.      Student presentations of reports and dioramas are on Dec 10th, Dec 11th, and Dec 12th.


Note: some students may have to work on this project at home if they need more time than the in-class time provided.


Biomes Diorama Project Rubric










The environment of the diorama does not relate to chosen habitat.

The environment of the diorama is appropriate but does not display any characteristics or features of the chosen habitat.

The environment of the diorama is appropriate and displays some features and characteristics of the chosen habitat.

The environment of the diorama is appropriate and displays many features and characteristics of the chosen habitat.



There is no evidence of plants in the diorama.

The diorama displays plants from the habitat but is not labeled appropriately.

The diorama displays 1 plant from the habitat and is labeled appropriately.

The diorama displays 2 or more plants from the habitat and is labeled appropriately.


There is no evidence of animals in the diorama.

The diorama displays animals from the habitat but are not labeled appropriately.

The diorama displays 1 animal from the habitat and is labeled appropriately.

The diorama displays 2 or more animals from the habitat and are labeled appropriately.

Creativity and Neatness

The diorama is not organized, and the items are not securely attached to the box.

The diorama is somewhat organized. Some items are securely attached to the box.

The diorama is attractive and well-organized. The items are neatly and securely attached to the box.

The diorama is attractive and well-organized. The items are neatly and securely attached to the box. The diorama is visually appealing.


Of Diorama

Student often lost focus or became silly or frustrated while presenting.

Student did explain things, but lost focus or became frustrated while presenting

Student showed some good enthusiasm and was focused on the task while presenting.

Student showed great enthusiasm and focused on the task the entire time while presenting.


         Score: ________ /20                        Grade: _4_

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