Important Dates / Information
October 31 = Orange and Black Day / Hallowe'en Activities and costumes...
are inviting our Huskies to wear their Halloween costumes to school on
Monday the 31st. Please do not send any props as things can get lost or
wrecked. We are also asking that no masks be worn. If you are not
comfortable sending
your child to school in their costume, then please feel free to dress in
orange & black 😊.
November 2, 9, 16 - Skating at Kinsmen Arena
- bus leaves at 8:45.
- we skate until 10:30.
- bus leaves arena by 10:45.
November 4 - Evacuation Drill @ 11am
Thursday, November 10 = REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONY in the gym.
Friday, November 11 = REMEMBRANCE DAY = NO SCHOOL .............................
Learning opportunities this week...
Language Arts - New novel study on Tuesday!
~ Students choose from 10 novels and read 30minutes each day.
~ Next, complete a "CHUNKING SHEET."
This means reading responses from our novel study...
chunking sheets describing likes, dislikes, questions, and patterns with plenty of detail.
Chunking Sheet Guidelines
What I liked…
Use complete sentences to explain any event(s) in the ‘chunk’ you enjoyed. It could be when a character said or did something that was interesting to you. Explain your likes with evidence from what you read or reasons! ~ Minimum 3 sentences. |
What I disliked… Use complete sentences to explain any event(s) in the ‘chunk’ you disliked. It could be when a character said or did something that you simply did not like. Explain your dislikes with evidence from what you read or reasons! ~ Minimum 3 sentences. |
Puzzles or Questions… Use complete sentences (and a question mark at the end) to write 3 powerful questions. These questions are things that puzzled you. Remember that powerful questions usually begin with HOW or WHY. Powerful questions do not have a one word answer.
~ Minimum 2 questions. |
Patterns… Use complete sentences to explain any patterns you found in this ‘chunk.’ Patterns might include story events, words / phrases a character repeats, or how the author writes. Explain your patterns with evidence or reasons! ~ Minimum 2 sentences. |
~Word Work - Unit 8 - 3 groups - AT THEIR SPELLING LEVELS.
- handed out on Mondays and then the rest needs
to be completes at home. Students are
responsible for bringing home their list words.
- work at the word, sound, and letter patterns...
- HAND IN FINISHED WORD WORK PAPER ON or before the last day of each week.
- Unit #8 study all list words and the challenge words; TEST on Friday.
Writing sentences - we are working at increasing our accuracy when we
communicate in writing
1. Reading responses from our novel study... chunking sheets describing likes, dislikes, questions, and patterns with plenty of detail.
2. Edit your writing.
3. Use proper sentence structures.
Math - multiplication of 0, 1, 2, 5, 10 this week.
Health ~ Keep Moving unit
~ promoting the importance of strength, endurance, and flexibility
activities and the major benefits of regular vigorous activity each
Career Education - goal setting and how to achieve a long term goal
- weekly planning in our agendas
Science - Body systems for grade 5... coming soon.
- Biomes study for grade 4... coming soon.
- Mapping Skills include: reading and interpreting maps, cardinal
directions, continents, oceans, Canadian geography, using grids,
latitude and longitude,... many other skills.
- pencil-to-paper booklets and...
online mapping...
SITES at school and HOME!
1. Continents and oceans game
2a). Canada: locate the province / territory
2b) Canada: identify the capital city
3. Challenging World Geography
4. World-geography-games EXTRA CHALLENGING
5. Mapping Game Directions
PE - volleyball skills: volleying, setting, under-hand volleys,
reverse volleys and bumps, serving, and rules and positional play.
French - Les parties du corps...continued.
- Take it home on Friday, buy some art products if you want, and return the art page to Mr. Bartraw by November 14th.
- tableaux drama at the end of our novels.
Technology Skills - Mapping Skills
CONGRATS to... TESSA for earning WORKER
OF THE WEEK last week...