Reading - We started reading a great novel on Friday...
"Among The Hidden" (ATH)
- We are on Chapter 4, 5, 6
Writing - most writing, for now, will be integrated with
or novel study.
New Word Work Lists today - test on Friday
Memory Sticks - card #5 (ART integration)
- student have until Thursday to
complete & assemble this.
~ Studying the Scientific method
~we are learning how to write a proper "lab"
~ Amazing Quarter Demonstration
...this is our practice lab
(due tomorrow)
Representing numbers up to 100,000
- Standard Form, expanded form, pictorials
- aiming for mastery, ALWAYS
***All students can be practicing BASIC FACTS on apps
or computer... click on...
Aim for at least ten minutes on these every day!!!
~Working on proper flag football skills:
...throwing, catching, tackling (pulling the
flag as a defensive player).
~ PE is every day of the week for 30 min.
~communicating ideas
~ using specific tools and buttons in
MS WORD 2013
Tuesday, September, 15
Writing - Topic = "FAIRNESS" ... a theme in ATH
Reading - ATH Chapter 7, 8
Practice your word work words at home.
Representing numbers up to 100,000
- Standard Form, expanded form, pictorals
- aiming for mastery, ALWAYS
Science - more science experiments & labs
- "Inverted Glass" Lab due tomorrow
French - with Madame Vording
- conversational French, days of the week,
months of the year, numbers to 100
Music - Mr. Dureski
Wednesday, September 16
Writing - more comprehension questions in ATH
Reading - ATH Chapter 9, 10
Practice your word work words at home.
Reading / writing #'s up to 1,000,000 (gr.5 only)
- comparing and ordering #'s (gr. 4)
- aiming for mastery, ALWAYS
French - with Madame Vording
- conversational French, days of the week,
months of the year, numbers to 100
Technology - create a paragraph and select an
image to summarize chapters 9, 10 of our novel.
Thursday, September 17
Writing - more comprehension questions in ATH
Reading - ATH Chapter 11, 12, 13
- Word Work Quiz tomorrow ... STUDY!
Technology - FINISH your paragraph and select an
image to summarize chapters 9, 10 of our novel.
More Place Value concepts
- aiming for mastery, ALWAYS
Science - more science experiments & labs
- "Air Has Mass"
- finish in class
Friday, September 18
- Word Work Quiz Today
Writing - summarize our reading of ATH
Reading - ATH Chapter 14, 15 ...
our novel is getting exciting!!!
More Place Value concepts
- aiming for mastery, ALWAYS
- both grades will have a short quiz
on the math concepts covered so far,
***All students should be practicing BASIC FACTS on apps
or computer... click on...
Aim for at least ten minutes on these every day!!!
Drama - Mrs. Merkel
Team Building
-House/Class Team Building
- practice the concepts of foreground, middle
ground, and background in a project called...
"Autumn Scene."
~Mr. Bartraw will create HOUSE TEAMS for Monday
~the first award for being Worker of the Week will be
earned by someone next FRIDAY... so always try
your best every day, because it builds character and
it's the right thing to do!
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