Wednesday 22 February 2023

Genius Hour

Genius Hour


1.   Watch the video… What is genius hour?   


2.   Choose something you are passionate about and teach / share it with others.

 Your ideas could be anything from learning how to cook a new meal, to studying space, to playing the guitar, to showing us how to use a sewing machine, to fly fishing, painting with water-colours, inventing something new that solves a problem,… ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES.


3.   Once you have your chosen topic, create a poster, power-point, research booklet, a play, video, …. Anything you want and share all your findings IN YOUR OWN WORDS. NO CUT AND PASTING FROM THE INTERNET.


4.   Use this guideline to get you started… Genius hour GUIDELINE



5.   I will show you an example of a genius hour project in class… Alexander's Weaving Project


6.   Still stuck? Need a pep talk?


7. 7.   Enjoy and have fun learning about something you are interested in learning about or love to do.



1 comment:

  1. Liam would like to do his in slot 3 on Thursday April 20th. Thanks
